Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (2025)

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (1)

    @NormalBoots 5 лет назад +357

    We have only used the movies promotional material from Marvel in this video. We have not used any leaked footage or described what any leaked footage may contain.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (2)

      @suprastevio22645 лет назад +3

      I literally paused the video just to double check wether or not you did before I watched it. Thanks for clarifying!!

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (3)

      @Kaycid_Collects5 лет назад +2

      That great thank you. might want to put it in the description not everyone reads the comments or put (No Spoilers) in the title

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (4)

      @matthewallen57425 лет назад +2

      Projared snapped his marriage and half his fanbase dissapered

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (5)

    @DidYouKnowGamin5 лет назад +530

    The biggest struggle is avoiding spoilers.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (6)

      @joshuaaird43495 лет назад +2

      can i get
      a Nintendo switch

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (7)

      @mattgd585 лет назад +1

      I did it for Infinity War, I can do it again

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (8)

      @aidenrodgers6815 лет назад +1

      BaTmAn DiEs LmAoOoOoOoO
      Watch it its good

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (9)

      @LightYagami2105 лет назад +2

      DidYouKnowGaming? Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow die in Endgame. That is all. 😎

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (10)

      @LOSTLEAD8R5 лет назад +2

      Still mad about Hulk becoming the soul stone

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (11)

    @twinkpeaks99935 лет назад +181

    2:42 “will have a happy ending”
    *shows shot of Happy*

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (13)

    @AshnSilvercorp5 лет назад +165

    Sony has a good hand at ruining a ton of things...

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (17)

    @JuFated5 лет назад +54

    THe Spiderman Far From home issue between Marvel and Sony feels so damn frustrating.
    On the other hand, its hilarious that Benedict is essentially Tom's spoiler chaperone. Their par up actually pretty convenient too since theyre both Brits so can tour together around Europe.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (18)

      @JuFated5 лет назад +1

      @@sleepiesther That's impossible since at the end of Infinity War Spidey was welllll
      And if I remember right, the first FFH trailer appeared after Infinity War was in theaters for some time.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (19)

    @tommunism64715 лет назад +244

    I'm so annoyed that people go out of their way to spoil the film. It's so annoying, people think they're so funny but it's not
    Spoilers below from the universe's greatest asshats

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (20)

      @Nitrodino78755 лет назад


    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (21)

      @imperfect_dan75195 лет назад +7

      I will drop kick anyone who actually tries to spoil the movie

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (22)

      @Davethe3rd5 лет назад +16

      It's funny for them. They don't care about you.
      This has been going on for years. Remember "Snape kills Dumbledore"?
      Yeah, some people got the 6th Harry Potter book early and spoiled the book for the kids waiting in line to buy it when it came out.
      They ruined the experience for a lot of people, but those guys thought it was hilarious.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (23)

      @LOSTLEAD8R5 лет назад +3

      i mean people are upset about Hawkeye dying so it makes sense.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (24)

      @speedchannel71965 лет назад +10

      LOSTLEAD8R Bro.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (25)

    @mightyfilm5 лет назад +52

    I love the lengths everyone involved went to in order to hide spoilers...
    ...only for the TV spots the following Monday to show bits of the ending and the Hulk reveal. Nice one, Disney's marketing.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (26)

      @jayb89345 лет назад +4

      At that point tens of thousands of people had seen the movie and were talking about it everywhere. They probably figured that there was no point in being secretive anymore.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (27)

      @mightyfilm5 лет назад +4

      They should have at least waited a couple of weeks for that. Considering how the film sold out in advance in most cases, some of the eager film goers probably had to wait for a slower weekend. That's kind of a dick move on the marketing team's part. I mean, at least the new Spider-Man trailer warned about aspects of Endgame that are integral to that movie's plot.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (28)

      @rohithkumar87085 лет назад

      @@mightyfilm every hardcore fan who doesn't want any spoilers watch it in the first 3 days. And from monday onwards they started putting out action sequences to generate interest among other people . Pretty smart , they satisfied fans and tried generating interest in other normies

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (29)

    @pmgmsd5 лет назад +94

    Already saw the movie, but it breaks my heart people are spoiling it. Don't ruin it for other people! Please be considerate, this is a once in a lifetime experience!

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (30)

      @koolooc7265 лет назад +3

      pmgmsd watching any movie for the first time its a once in a life experience

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (31)

      @pmgmsd5 лет назад +7

      @@koolooc726 It's a colloquialism. I'm referencing a cinematic achievement such as Endgame, not simply viewing any film, for the first time.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (32)

      @jmarra075 лет назад

      @@pmgmsd Your mom is a colloquialism

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (33)

      @ThierryCNF3 года назад +1

      @@jmarra07 his mother will never recover from this

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (34)

    @soultiger2675 лет назад +105

    3:36 So Is Hulk Technically A Universal Monster?

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (35)

      @pcachu5 лет назад +15

      There's your mind-blow thought for the day.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (36)

    @amirgarcia5475 лет назад +14

    At first I was peeved at them changing the title, but after seeing both films I can entirely understand why. Infinity War is like a more typical Marvel film but with the stakes, cast and villain writing being 5X higher, and Endgame is like a realistic character drama. Endgame might be the sequel to Infinity War, but both movies are fundamentally different films, at least narrative-wise.
    Also, curse you Sony!!!!

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (37)

    @BlackKnightsCommander5 лет назад +41

    They should've aimed for the Thanus.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (39)

    @inanimatesum49455 лет назад +12

    I'm wondering how it would go if they actually have a fine or jailtime for breaking a contract when it comes to those private screenings

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (40)

    @peteypiranalover5 лет назад +17

    Hopefully we get Mark ruffalo interview on film since all 3 movies are out now

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (41)

    @breseman5 лет назад +22

    I kinda feel bad for people who spoil endgame online. Like, that's all they have to do with their time. It's a little sad.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (47)

    @pdthorn5 лет назад +37

    Avoiding the greatest spoilers require the strongest wills.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (48)

      @LOLquendoTV5 лет назад +2

      I mean, Ive already seen it but people will reply to this comment with spoilers mate

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (49)

      @jmarra075 лет назад

      They are correct. Thor is fat and Black Widow dies forever

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (50)

      @OwlsNeck5 лет назад

      tony dies, widow dies, cap goes back in time and passes the mantle to sam, thor joins the guardians

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (51)

      @ethanpaul18655 лет назад +3

      hulk dabs

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (52)

      @harrylane45 лет назад

      @@OwlsNeck just because I saw the movie already doesn't make you any less incapable of being loved by even your own parents

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (53)

    @Altar3605 лет назад +4

    Man, I hate leaking. People, just wait for the film to be out. Allow yourself the surprise that comes from avoiding leaks. Makes the viewing experience more fulfilling.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (54)

    @johnthebopper5 лет назад +7

    Those who saw the movie on day 1 hold the greatest power.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (55)

    @LycanLink5 лет назад +6

    5:25 - "Dania"? Michonne will have your head for this. ;)

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (56)

    @samh4665 лет назад +7

    Ya gotta wonder how endgame somehow sells more tickets initially than infinity war

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (57)

      @AnEnormousNerd5 лет назад +6

      Force of hype. A lot of people watched Infinity War just before Endgame came out, just so they could go see Endgame.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (58)

    @shawnheatherly5 лет назад +2

    Crazy how complicated this film's production got. Here's hoping it doesn't get completely spoiled in the coming hours.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (59)

    @bunter_burt5 лет назад +8

    If you have been watching a lot of marvel videos in the past few weeks be careful as RUclips seems to be recommending leaks on the home feed.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (60)

    @MrMaximumAustin5 лет назад +1

    I oddly appreciate the explanation behind the why and how Danai Gurira's name was not on the poster initially. I figured it was a BTS or legal reason rather than something actually malicious. Hopefully we can use this incident to evaluate poster credits and similar accreditation in films in the future, especially with films like Avengers: Endgame.
    I hope to see Ms. Gurira in more films, including a certain sequel.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (61)

    @Alphajet1015 лет назад +5

    7:00 How? It's only at 114M
    Infinity War has 226M

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (65)

    @Superenixman5 лет назад +27

    I cant believe hulk got pregnant at the end

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (66)

      @harrylane45 лет назад

      I can't believe that ant man went up hulks ass to massage his prostate

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (67)

    @JessieTrinket5 лет назад

    Let's play 2 truths 1 lie with End Game Spoilers.
    1: Thor bullies kids in Fortnite
    2: Antman does the floss
    3: The Hulk Dabs

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (68)

    @fireaza5 лет назад +8

    Were... Were people actually expecting comic book characters to stay dead when they die..? Seriously? Comic book writers use death and hand-waived resurrection with the frequency of a chef using salt.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (69)

      @DeadlyEffingVirus4105 лет назад +1

      Except when it comes to Uncle Ben.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (70)

      @ChronoSquare5 лет назад

      @@DeadlyEffingVirus410 No need for salt when you use Uncle Ben Ready Rice!

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (71)

      @Catsincradle5 лет назад

      Get over it it happened calm down

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (72)

    @Booksds5 лет назад

    You’d think that all Sony would have to do to avoid spoilers would be to just be vague about whether Far From Home takes place before or after Infinity War.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (73)

    @JsYTA5 лет назад +4

    ...oh! And Chris Pratt

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (74)

    @mk21y785 лет назад +1

    4:05 Thor ragnarok and the infinity war posters look the same

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (75)

    @AJTComicsBrand5 лет назад +1

    Disney need to buy back Hulk and Spider-man film rights. so we can get "Hulk Vs Wolverine" movie.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (76)

    @johnbatista18775 лет назад +3

    The movie was good but something felt anticlamactic form me and i still cant figure out what it is

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (77)

      @They_are_Arthur5 лет назад

      Spoilers ahead for anyone else commenting.
      Was it Hulk not getting his rematch with Thanos? Was it Thor joining the Guardians of the Galaxy?

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (78)

      @omensoffate5 лет назад +2

      john batista no you are just an idiot

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (79)

    @finerbrighterlighter5 лет назад

    everybody dies just has to be the biggest spoiler which they were most worried about and we did not believe

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (80)

    @sadafniaz17124 года назад +1

    Greg sounds like Vision.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (81)

    @demontamerbf185 лет назад +5

    After such a gigantic movie I wonder if they'll be able to keep up with the hype

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (82)

      @cj36705 лет назад

      I think they will

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (83)

    @levy65873 года назад

    When they start talking about spoilers, footage of Tom Holland is fittingly shown

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (84)

    @Antasma15 лет назад

    I think Hulk's arc was cut short. It seemed it was building up to something for Endgame, but the Hulk just... died (don't worry, Banner's still alive)

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (85)

    @TajirMusil5 лет назад +18

    The best part of end game was when thanos brought black panther back and called him the n word

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (86)

      @harrylane45 лет назад

      And then he snapped him right back away

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (87)

    Wait the ending was actually leaked? Oh God... oh God... so that footage of Ant Man actually getting in the Thanus wasn’t an edit 😭

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (88)

      @harrylane45 лет назад

      The part where it revealed he wasn't actually killing him and was instead massaging his prostate in preparation for the 45 minute orgy scene wasn't revealed though, so that's great

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (89)

    @ljmblacklock5 лет назад

    Don Cheadles name was on the poster.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (90)

    @KilosFoxo5 лет назад

    i know a friend who spoilt infinity war and endgame for themselves for both they said "x character dies" me thinking they were trying to spoil the film for me said " i know" then they replied with "wait really?"
    note i said x character dies because i dont want to spoil endgame or the spiderman far from home trailer 2

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (91)

    @drunkendog135 лет назад +1

    Danai isn’t on the poster because she was in it for like a minute max

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (92)

      @JoJoTheOtter5 лет назад +2

      Drunken Dog
      I think the issue was that she was on the poster herself. But was the only one unamed. Probably wouldn’t have been anything if she hadn’t been on it in the first place.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (93)

      @drunkendog135 лет назад +2

      jarannalli that’s nice but it doesn’t change the fact that Spider-Man has more lines than her and Tom Holland wasn’t credited on the poster

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (94)

      @JoJoTheOtter5 лет назад +1

      Drunken Dog
      He was dusted. Why would they put him on the poster?

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (95)

    @TechnoaxesYT5 лет назад +1

    Hawkeyes family dusts away,captain marvel saves tony and nebula,the avengers fight thanks but he destroyed the stones so Thor kills him, 5 years later, a rat saves ant man and he goes to the avengers to talk about time travel so they go to tony but he has a daughter and he thinks that time travel is impossible so they go to professor hulk and he tries to go back in time but it doesn’t work so tony makes time travel possible so they get Thor but he’s fat and Hawkeye but he’s a murderer and they go back in time and get the stones but black widow dies for the soul stone and nebula gets switched for her 2014 self and hulk snaps everyone back but nebula brings 2014 thanos and he destroys avengers hq and iron man,captain America and Thor to fight thanos and captain America lifts mjhoir and gets beat by thanos but everyone comes to help captain America and fight thanos army and scarlet witch almost defeats thanos but he fires missles at them but captain marvel blows up the ship and fights thanos but he snaps and nothing happens and tony has the stones and he snaps thanos away and he dies

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (96)

    @CroMaLaka5 лет назад

    Thanoscopter is in the movie
    idk im sorry

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (97)

    @MonkBeater5 лет назад +2

    Rip Howard pots

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (98)

    @BlackOpsPeppe5 лет назад +3

    Controversies about names on posters....... that's so pathetic,people are so stupid sometimes......

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (99)

    @SpagEddie81135 лет назад

    Iron man kills Dumbledore in Detective Pikachu

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (100)

    @isaacwoodward96115 лет назад

    So in the whole spider man joint custody who’s the mum and who’s the dad

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (101)

    @gannonschlader5 лет назад +1

    Not even looking at the comments...

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (102)

      @jmarra075 лет назад

      Good, because I'd hate it if you knew Black Widow dies forever

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (103)

      @TaliesinMyrddin5 лет назад +1

      I don't think it's a mental problem, they're just honestly bad people who probably aren't far from being radicalised into murderers or rapists. They obviously have no empathy and only think about themselves.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (104)

      @FreakinSweet19875 лет назад +1

      @@TaliesinMyrddin that pretty much qualifies as a mental problem.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (105)

    @joshmcguire19115 лет назад

    Ah I was so confused thinking of a diffant Greg

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (106)

    @shleepyshlump5 лет назад +2

    "mavel and sony have joined custody of the spiderman property" little do they know

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (107)

    @McCheeseincakes5 лет назад

    Does anyone know if the song used in the beginning is on the soundtrack?

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (108)

    @meaninglez1005 лет назад +2

    Trying not to spoil the world "Endgame" was a pointless effort

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (109)

      @harrylane45 лет назад

      Honestly, I kind of wish the endgame line wasn't in IW so that we wouldn't be able to predict it. It wouldn't make endgame any less relevant, since the line was used in AoU

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (110)

    @ezeekielle62515 лет назад +5

    Everyone else: Ant Man can defeat Thanos!
    Me: You know, if the Avengers teamed up with the Phantom Thieves...….

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (111)

    @KyleWCR5 лет назад +1

    Just looking around Normal Boots for ProJared. Looks like Normal Boots is going to divorce him too.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (112)

    @itwasntme74815 лет назад +12

    Murder is usually wrong, but spoiling Endgame is worthy of dying at the stake

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (113)

      @gz4wbz5 лет назад

      Hulk becomes professor Hulk and dabs in the movie. Also Thor gets fat and plays Fortnite with Korg.
      (The best part about this spoiler is that it seems like a joke...)

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (114)

      @suprastevio22645 лет назад

      @@gz4wbz Sorry life is so shitty for you that you feel the need to ruin someone else's 11 year investment. I hope life treats you better. Good luck.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (115)

      @gz4wbz5 лет назад +2

      @@suprastevio2264 "UGH. BUT I WANTED TO BE INVESTED WITHIN HULKS DAB AND SEEING THOR AND KORG PLAY FORTNITE. Now the whole movie's ruined. :("
      "At least I didn't have the 'what are those' joke in Black Panther spoiled for me. Truly one of the most profound and boldest moments in cinematic history!"

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (116)

      @Catsincradle5 лет назад

      @@gz4wbz that kills the joke tho-

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (117)

      @gz4wbz5 лет назад

      @@Catsincradle it would only kill it if the joke was funny to begin with

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (118)

    @quantumjoss5 лет назад +1

    “No spoilers”

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (119)

    @noobertthasimplelist82285 лет назад +1

    Endgame spoilers: sans dies

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (120)

    @rushsaavedra99695 лет назад +1

    *Dania Gurira*

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (121)

    @dillonow83725 лет назад

    Amy Pascal must under alot of Pressure

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (122)

    @genxtasy99145 лет назад

    damn. hulk was filmed in Toronto??? I saw Sam the record man and Zanzibar. a shitty strip bar

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (123)

    @chancecole4375 лет назад +9

    You sound freakishly like Vision/Jarvis.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (124)

    @RyuichiNoGekido5 лет назад

    The butt meme is stupid.
    Go into Thanos’ squishy brain right behind his prefrontal cortex and give him a lobotomy. Brain has more give than colon. Antman wouldn’t even have to expand to full size, just enough to sever the connection. But hey “butts are funny!” and honestly the idea of an ant lobotomy is a horror movie that should never be made.
    Edit: in that movie the ants would eat the lobes and create human slaves for the ant queen’s bidding but Mknightsamalamadingdong the ant queen has cordyceps. Stuff of nightmares yeah?

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (125)

    @Felecc5 лет назад

    Is it just me having a deja-vu or this is a re-upload?

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (126)

    @livale83375 лет назад +4

    Spoilers are bad yeah but also: it's... not... a spoiler that they'll be resurrected? Like I don't want to be too salty but Thanos stopped pursuing anything after he achieved his goal, so unless Endgame is literally just the Avengers trying to lynch him then carrying on their merry way of course the snap is gonna be undone.
    I hate that franchise directors assume consumers are stupid enough to believe that Endgame wont result in at least some characters being resurrected.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (127)

      @EggFighterXB-5 лет назад

      Especially when the Spider-man far from home trailer came out

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (128)

    @lukeman42645 лет назад

    I cried when Lego batman died

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (129)

    @insertrandomusernameherera94325 лет назад +3

    The biggest struggle in the production of Endgame was trying to create the vfx effects of Ant Man shrinking into Thanos' butthole and then growing back inside (whoops spoilers) which was the most expensive thing to produce in the movie. That and trying to keep it PG-13

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (130)

    @KarolGacek185 лет назад

    Thanks for no spoilers

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (131)

    @LOSTLEAD8R5 лет назад

    Spoilers for people that want them
    5 years later

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (132)

    @amelzon15 лет назад +1

    This video is 10:23. The add is two full minutes. Padding to hit the ten minute mark much? You’ve always been short form..but damn. Seeing this trend more and more is devastating. It’s the RUclips equivalent of a loot box. Shame.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (133)

    @ConnorJ18th5 лет назад +2

    Usually, this channel's videos provide information that I didn't know about before but, unfortunately, I didn't learn anything new from this video. And I don't usually seek out information like this or any other kinds of trivia

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (134)

    @OakholdC5 лет назад

    I will _force_ those jerks who spoil Endgame to drink _s̵̨̟͖̬͂͊͒̋̀͠p̷̡̧̧͈͙̲͕̣̙̘̣̤͓̩̦̹͙͇̥̪͍̼̺͇̰͈͇̳͖͔̜̩̘̘̦̪͕͖͕̼̼͕̻̓̄̉̒̄͆̓̔͆̄̆̋̌̒̓̀̓̿͗̽̑͒̿̈́̓͆̾̕̕͘͝͝ͅo̴̧̧̡̢̢̧̹̬͔̹̪̦̤̞͉̯̯͓͓̖̯͔͖̦̣͚̳͖̫̳̺͚̼̣̬̭̬̯̯͈̼̖̝̤̓̾̈́͌͊̔̔͒͌̾̃̌̈́̄̊̅̈́̔̔́͗ͅį̵͇̭̣̫͚̮̦̮͛̉͗͋̑́̑͐̔͘͠l̶̡̢̡̢̛̛̞͈͎͔͍͙̻͓̣̮͇̹͙̲̳̜̠̱͎̞͇̗̰̙̰͖͉̰̻͖̭̳̳̮̣̩͓̞͎̫̏̄͋̈̋̅̂̂̇͂̈́̍̈́̔̎͆̀́̒̇́̈́̋̿͐̃̃̈́͆́̈́́̈́̿̀͋͛̈́́̈́̚̕͜͜͠͠͠e̵̢̨̨̡̧̢̡̛̛̳͈̪̗͔̗͔̲̘̖̭̳̤͔͕͎̦̦̻̥͇̞̯̣̤̟̠̮̻̹͓̩̟͔̹͎̩̠̺̾̔͌̑͑̓̓̂̊̀̑̇̏͋̍̈́̒̍͋͆̉̇͒̐͊͋̃́̂̿̊͆̕͘͜͝͠͠ͅͅd̶̢̢̧̡̨͖͇͔͎̫͔̦̣͓̘͎̖̝̟̝̩͈̤̖̮̪̦͚̼̗̱͔̣͖̩̰̣̤̦̞̟̱̙̞̒̄̍̋́́͆͜͠͝͝ͅ ̸̡̧̡̛̹̹̘̜͚̼̖̰̳͚̮̯̲̝̦̤̰͈͎͍̰̞͙͖̺̠̩͖͛̂͛̊́͑͒̂̒̓͒̍̔̀̕̚͜ͅm̷̨̹̦̲̮͕͖̺̝̠̟̺͙̱͉̗̰̜̳̜͔̹͔̯͙̭͍͉̻̊͊͑͌̽̀̿̆̏̃̒̈́͑̍́͆̌̓̌́͒̔̂͑̎̿̒̂̈́͘̕̚͝͝ͅi̴͓̣̐͌͆̓̈̿̈̓͆͠ĺ̵̢̳͙̹̥̰̳̮̳̠̊̄̅k̵̡̧̢͖̦̻͙̲̜̭̯̥̬̭̯̼̺͈͈̳̩͉͉͕̤̝̺͓̯̹̥͓̮̟̻̬̪͚̠̱̤͈̭͙̍̋͜͜ͅ_ as a punishment.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (135)

    @camtoonzz22715 лет назад

    Bill Wilkins sent me

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (136)

    @nicholaskennedyking5 лет назад

    Great video!

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (137)

    @wombatpandaa97745 лет назад

    Superman dies.
    Also, the movie was great. Now leave the comments section before you get spoiled.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (138)

    @TheRealJaydenJohnson5 лет назад

    Sheik is Zelda

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (139)

    @the1flym4595 лет назад

    Hi Greg

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (140)

    @ryansg10005 лет назад +4

    Ifinity War and Endgame are most ambitious crossovers ever.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (141)

    @thisisfyne5 лет назад +1

    7:46 DUDE NOT COOL

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (142)

    @TheCreepypro5 лет назад +1

    great video the only part I take issue with is saying that the names that go on movie posters is complicated when in reality the biggest stars always get top billing and end up on the poster it's not that complicated come on now!

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (143)

    @BuckBumbleYT5 лет назад

    Yo but then denying the Ant-Man Thanos Anus thing makes sense...
    Because they actually kind of totally did that to kill Thanos in the first five minutes

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (144)

    @luigifan0015 лет назад

    Danira did nothing in endgame.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (145)

    @DarkLordofInsanity5 лет назад +2

    “Endgame will have a happy ending”
    Are you sure about that?

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (146)

      @ashieslashee5 лет назад +1

      Dark Lord of Insanity depends on what you determine the ending is. If you thought that dance scene was the ending the technically it was happy

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (147)

      @DarkLordofInsanity5 лет назад

      @@ashieslashee True. Not happy for Tony though.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (148)

      @ashieslashee5 лет назад

      Dark Lord of Insanity I mean, if you think about it he kinda did have a happy ending. Sure he died but at least it was around people who loved him rather than in space alone like he feared in the first Avengers

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (149)

    @ThatRandomFastingGuy5 лет назад

    Dude! Dude!

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (150)

    @jmarra075 лет назад +1

    I just watched this movie today, on my laptop. The best quality CAM I've ever seen was in a torrent, already. Highly recommended movie.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (151)

    @DreadfulNedburns5 лет назад

    I actually, honestly, really did not like Endgame.
    And you know what? I'm actually only disappointed in myself.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (152)

    @EveOTW5 лет назад +1

    ThaNOOSE, it will aim for the head.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (153)

    @rigohernandez28094 года назад

    Make Godzilla film

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (154)

    @Panetrain125 лет назад

    You guys don't seem to understand the concept that the leaking during interviews is a good way to build up publicity for the movie. The actors are doing it on purpose and it has nothing to do with their ability to keep secrets.

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (155)

      @jmarra075 лет назад

      The Earth is also flat and 9/11 was an inside job

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (156)

      @Panetrain125 лет назад

      @@jmarra07 tell me something I don't know.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (157)

    @smitty19375 лет назад +3

    Maybe if you kept ur mouth shut you would've been in the film a bit more, Mr. Parker

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (158)

    @RealCoolGuy5 лет назад

    This video is a bit silly... Making it sound like a huge soap opera when it's nothing really...

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (159)

    @animezilla44865 лет назад +1

    If Universal Studios won't work with Disney why don't they just make their own Hulk solo film franchise like Sony is doing with Spider-Man and the villains

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (160)

      @dylanwho2095 лет назад

      They probably think it won't make enough money to justify filming it

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (161)

      @animezilla44865 лет назад

      Dylan Who I don't know you heard about this but rumors going on that there is a She Hulk series in the work

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (162)

    @linkman44325 лет назад +3

    Spoiler Alert!
    Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's Father!

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (163)

    @thecianinator5 лет назад +2

    Parts 1 and 2 of Infinity War were given different titles because Mockingjay Part 2 failed and people realized that two-part movies were a scam.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (164)

    @Anthintendo5 лет назад +1

    The thumbnail: is that image from one of the posters, or is it fan art?
    EDIT: Did they change the thumbnail? It was Thanos before, wasn’t it?

    • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (165)

      @mikl.7775 лет назад +1

      I believe it is official posters

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (166)

    @MaxMarriner5 лет назад +3

    For what it’s worth, “Avengers: Gauntlet” is a pretty good title.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (168)

    @theb2rd5 лет назад


  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (169)

    @LycanLink5 лет назад

    The trailer for this movie has that many views? I should probably be surprised that I hadn't also seen it, but I'm not. My bubble only tends to include Game Grumps and Nintendo, lol. I'm not stating that as a brag, because I'm actually moderately excited about seeing this movie. Not excited enough to go and finally watch the trailer anytime soon, but excited enough to try to set up plans with any friends who haven't seen the movie yet to go see it with me.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (170)

    @KellyJoule5 лет назад

    Did not know about the Sony Spiderman release date thing... that sucks :/

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (171)

    @spectrevampire3 года назад

    Isnt it crazy that two of the actors in the MCU have played Sherlock Holmes (Cumberbatch and Downey Jr.)? If only they added Will Ferrell.

  • Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (172)

    @milesdaugherty62635 лет назад

    Who els is here from inside

Avengers Endgame: Marvel's Struggles with Spoilers (No Spoilers) - Did You Know Movies Feat. Greg (2025)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.